Make Continuous Compliance Your Force Multiplier
Tie your security services to ongoing compliance outcomes – and measurable business results.

Deliver impactful compliance results, again, and again, and again
Deliver your security services in the context of continuous compliance to provide ongoing value and become irreplaceable for clients.

Mapping your security services to controls and continuous scoring helps you show exactly how you’re improving compliance over time, and why that matters to your clients.
Address your client’s compliance gaps as they arise and prioritize internal resources effectively.
Move the conversation from “You need our MDR. Trust me.” to “You need our MDR. As you can see, it satisfies 47% of the controls in NIST 800-53.”
Show how your services move the needle
Our sales engineers will work with you to connect your services to the framework controls they fulfill, so you can tie them to tangible compliance outcomes and measurable client ROI.

Automate continuous monitoring
Integrate with relevant applications and evidence systems to automate evidence collection, task generation, user management, reporting and more.
Find gaps as they arise
Fire up automated questionnaire-based templates and leverage integrations to instantly spot gaps and produce real-time reports for each of the standards your clients align with.

Build continuous, audit-ready compliance programs
Take the results from your client assessment and instantly design a holistic, always-on remediation and risk management program from start to finish.
Create a single source of truth
Deliver real-time visibility and proof of your success with persona-based dashboards and reporting.

See why Apptega is the perfect partner to supercharge your business
Request a no-risk 14-day free trial to see how you can create sticky continuous compliance offerings with Apptega.